The Science behind Coaching


If you are wondering about the evidence to support coaching, there is an increasing body of neuro- and behavioural- scientific evidence to support the benefits.

I have chosen to complete professional coach training and certification through the Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) which was established in 1992. It is therefore one of the oldest, as well as the largest in-person coach training establishment in the world. 

The Co-Active model of coaching, a powerful structure for engaging with others, was developed over 20 years ago and has long been recognised as robust and scientifically valid.

Co-Active Training Institute (CTI) offers a gold standard of coach training, and the Co-Active model behind it is remarkably congruent with a vast body of research in positive psychology and coaching. It’s exciting to see how the entire field can be uplifted by connecting science and theory with the spirit and practice of coaching. In the future, results will continue to show how science can be mapped to CTI’s Co-Active model and their four cornerstones of coaching.
— Dr Carol Kauffman, founder and director of the Institute of Coaching and Faculty of Harvard Medical School